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Printed Tote & Canvas Shopping Bags

In our opinion one of the best things to happen for the environment has been the demise of the wide-spread use of plastic carrier bags.  We were already selling thousands of our printed custom bags in cotton canvas, Panama and calico before this happened.  But now even more people are buying re-usable tote bags and our customers’ sales have rocketed further.

To promote the environmental theme further, we have introduced organic canvas and Panama to our range of UK-made personalised bags.  We have also added UK-made flat tote bags printed on REPREVE recycled polyester (made from recycled plastic bottles) and a pre-sewn recycled canvas bag.  (Our full range of fabrics are shown further down this page).

We also protect our environment by printing our eco-friendly bags solely in water-based inks (follow this link for more info).We are unusual in that we offer UK-made custom tote bags, which are first printed as a flat panel, then stitched afterwards in our in-house Sewing Unit.  This enables us to offer edge-to-edge printing with different designs each side and bespoke printed coloured handles.  Plus bespoke options such as customer own labels in the side seams or on the front of the bags.

Our stylish UK-made bags are not only robust and beautiful, but also eye-catching, useful, and practical.  We have customers constantly commenting on the quality.  The price is also surprisingly affordable.  This makes our UK-made custom bags irresistible as a gift or an impulse buy. 

We also offer pre-sewn personalised bags which can be ideal for all kinds of fundraising activities and as promotional products.  These calico and canvas custom bags are usually printed one side only (using both screen and digital print methods) and are available with a faster turnaround, as no sewing is involved. Given we offer a raft of bespoke manufacturing options, plus packaging to further enhance your brand, our personalised bags make for a truly winning combination.

Personalised Bags

Top Left – flat 280gsm black panama bag with long printed handles and a swing ticket (metallic screen print)
Bottom Right – flat 280gsm black panama bag with long black panama handles (screen print)

We offer two main styles of bags with lots of variations within each category

The first category is our superb quality range of UK-made custom tote bags.  The standard styles we make are flat tote bags plus small, medium and large gusseted bags.  We also make drawstring bags, children’s bags, bespoke sized bags and peg bags.

Top – flat bleached canvas bag with short handles and featuring a swing ticket (screen print)
Left – flat bleached canvas bag with long handles featuring the customer’s own label in the side seam plus a swing ticket (screen print)
Right – flat bleached canvas bag with medium printed handles featuring the customer’s own label in the side seam plus a swing ticket (screen print)

Top Left – bespoke 280gsm black panama gusseted bag with long and short handles on same bag (screen print)  
Top Right – bespoke flat bleached canvas bag with extra wide folded webbing handles (screen print)
Mid Left – bespoke small 8oz unbleached cotton drill drawstring bag (screen print)
Mid Right – bespoke unbleached canvas child sized flat canvas bag with printed handles (digital print)
Bottom – bespoke bleached gusseted canvas bag with extra wide folded webbing handles (screen print)

Top – large gusseted unbleached canvas bag with long handles (screen print)
Left – medium gusseted unbleached canvas bag with medium printed handles.  Featuring customer’s own label in side seam and a swing ticket  (screen print)
Right – small gusseted unbleached canvas bag with long printed handles (screen print)

Top – flat bleached calico bag with short handles (digital print)
Bottom – flat bleached calico bag with printed long handles (digitally printed bag with screen printed handles)

With our UK-made custom bags, we print the fabric panel and then sew the bag afterwards.  (A great advantage being that both sides of the bag can be printed at no extra cost).

This also allows us to offer all-over edge-to-edge bag printing, different lengths and types of handles (printed, unprinted, and webbing), bespoke sew-in features such as labels in the side seams or on the front of the bag, plus shapes and sizes designed to your specific requirements.

We have a wide range of fabrics and print styles too. 

The variations are endless – the choice is up to you.

Our Standard UK-made Bag Dimensions are

Flat Bag – 43cm high by 40cm wide approx (excluding handles) – available in calico, canvas and panama

Large Gusseted Bag – 36cm high by 36cm wide with a 10cm gusset approx (excluding handles) – available in canvas and panama 

Medium Gusseted Bag – 36cm high by 26cm wide with a 13cm gusset approx (excluding handles) – available in canvas and panama

Small Gusseted Bag – 36cm high by 29cm wide with a 9cm gusset approx (excluding handles) – available in canvas and panama

For more information please get in touch via our Contact Page 

Top – large gusseted unbleached canvas bag with short handles (screen print)
Left – medium gusseted bleached canvas bag with medium handles (digital print)
Right – small gusseted bleached canvas bag with short handles  (screen print)

Top Left – flat bleached canvas bag with medium length black panama handles featuring a swing ticket (digital print)
Bottom Right – flat bleached canvas bag with printed long handles (full colour process screen print)

Top – large gusseted bleached canvas bag with short printed handles (screen print)
Bottom Left – medium gusseted bleached canvas bag with medium handles featuring the customer’s own label in the side seam (metallic screen print)  
Bottom Right – small gusseted bleached 280gsm panama bag with bespoke length handles (digital print)

Top  UK-made flat unbleached calico bag with long handles (screen print)
Bottom –
flat unbleached calico bag with short handles (screen print)

REPREVE recycled polyester UK-made flat tote bag with medium 25mm handles (digital print)

Peg Bags – UK-made, featuring a bias binding opening (in a range of colours) with a plastic coat hanger hook

 For more information please get in touch via our Contact Page  

The second category of bags we offer are our pre-sewn calico bags and canvas bags 

Our screen or digitally printed pre-sewn bags are available for placement printing only.  They offer a quality but budget alternative for promotions and point-of-sale purchases.

We Offer the Following Pre-Sewn Custom Bags in These Dimensions:-

Unbleached 4oz Calico Flat Bag – 38cm high by 38cm wide approx (excluding handles) – 58cm long approx.

Unbleached 4oz Calico Gusseted Bag – 38cm high by 38cm wide approx (excluding handles) – 58cm long approx.

Unbleached 10oz Canvas Gusseted Bag – 42cm high by 38cm wide approx plus a 12cm gusset (excluding handles) – 58cm long approx.

Recycled Unbleached 10oz Canvas Flat Bag – 40cm high by                                                                                                        

37cm wide approx (excluding handles) – 58cm long approx.

Top – pre-sewn flat recycled unbleached canvas bag – suitable for placement printing – with medium handles (digital print)
Bottom – pre-sewn gusseted unbleached canvas bag – suitable for placement printing – with medium handles (digital print)

Top – pre-sewn flat unbleached calico bag  -suitable for placement printing – with medium handles (digital print)
Bottom – pre-sewn gusseted unbleached calico bag – suitable for placement printing – with medium handles (screen print)

For more information please get in touch via our Contact Page

Types of Printing On Offer

We offer various types of bag printing including all-over, edge-to-edge screen print in up to 10 spot colours, full colour process (in which we are acknowledged, prize-winning industry leaders), combined full colour process and spot colour, plus a wide range of metallic options including glitters. 

We are unusual in that we also offer a discharge print option on to dyed fabrics.  This uses a specialist water-based ink where the colour of the fabric is bleached out and replaced by the colour of the ink.  The print feels very smooth (there is no plastic or raised feel) and the print durability is excellent.  Plus we use opaque inks which are good for certain types of image where discharge is not suitable.

Follow this link to our blog to read about how we solely use water-based inks and to see how eco-friendly and sustainable they are.  

In addition we have a full digital printing service; this is great for designs with more than 10 spot colours and for small full colour runs or short runs in general.  All-over, edge-to-edge printing on bags is available for all our UK-made bags with placement printing being the only option for the pre-sewn bags.

Our MHM 10 Colour Automatic Screen Printing Carousel
Judged Number One In The World at FESPA

For more information please get in touch via our Contact Page 


We offer various types of calico, panama and canvas bag printing.

For our cotton bag printing service, all our bag fabrics are carefully sourced, woven and finished (mainly in Turkey or the UK) to our own specifications.  This enables us to have complete control over the quality, colour-yield and provenance of the fabrics we offer.

We offer bleached and unbleached 10oz canvas, 280gsm bleached and unbleached panamas, black and dyed panamas plus bleached and unbleached calicos. 

All our fabrics are excellent quality, very strong and will ensure your bags give years of use.

10oz Bleached Canvas

(280gsm/sq mtr approx) – A non-optic, pure bleach finish (the colour of double cream) designed to co-ordinate with our bleached calico, 8oz drill and premium tea towel cotton.

10oz Unbleached Canvas

(280gsm/sq mtr approx) – an unbleached, natural oat-meal finish with flecks of cotton seeds designed to co-ordinate with our unbleached 8oz cotton drill, calico, 220gsm and 280gsm panama  plus our unbleached tea towel cotton.

220gsm Bleached Panama

(220gsm/sq mtr approx) – a slightly lighter-weight bright white optic finish designed to co-ordinate with our 280gsm bleached panama and our standard optic white tea towel cotton.

220gsm Unbleached Panama

(220gsm/sq mtr approx) – a slightly lighter-weight unbleached, natural oat-meal finish with flecks of cotton seeds designed to co-ordinate with our unbleached tea towel cotton, 8oz cotton drill, calico, 10oz canvas and  280gsm panama 

280gsm Bleached Panama

(280gsm/sq mtr approx) – a heavier-weight bright white optic finish designed to co-ordinate with our 220gsm bleached panama and our standard optic white tea towel cotton

280gsm Unbleached Panama

(280gsm/sq mtr approx) – a heavier-weight unbleached, natural oat-meal finish with flecks of cotton seeds designed to co-ordinate with our unbleached tea towel cotton, 8oz cotton drill, calico, 10oz canvas and  220gsm panama

Black Panama

(280gsm/sq mtr approx) – A heavier-weight vat dyed black finish designed to co-ordinate with our black 8oz cotton drill.

280gsm Unbleached Organic Panama

(280gsm/sq mtr approx) – A heavier-weight unbleached organic, natural oat-meal finish with flecks of cotton seeds designed to  co-ordinate  with our unbleached tea towel cotton, 8oz cotton drill, calico, 10oz canvas and  220gsm panama (available for larger orders only)

Bleached Calico

(150gsm/sq mtr approx) – A lighter-weight non-optic finish designed to co-ordinate with our bleached canvas, 8oz drill and premium tea towel cotton.

Unbleached Calico

(150gsm/sq mtr approx) – A lighter-weight unbleached, natural oat-meal finish with flecks of cotton seeds designed to co-ordinate with our unbleached tea towel cotton, 8oz cotton drill, calico, 10oz canvas and  220gsm panama.

Coloured Panamas

(280gsm/sq mtr approx) – We can supply a wide range of colours in heavier-weight vat dyed panamas (available for larger orders only).

Pre-treated Panama for Digital Printing

Whilst our digital prints on our untreated fabrics are already bright and colourful – if you are after more vibrant reds and blues plus very strong blacks then we offer pre-treated 280gsm bleached panama (for an additional charge).


Different Handle Fabrics & Colours – we offer a choice of heavy-weight cotton webbing handles -available in 25mm and 35mm widths – and in black, white and natural unbleached finishes.  

We can also make handles out of the same unprinted fabric as the actual bag.  Plus print the handles in any colour you wish, to co-ordinate or contrast with the print on the bag.  We can also use more than one colour on a bag handle to make your bag really stand out from the crowd.

Different Handle Lengths:-

Short Handles Standard Size (no extra cost) – 40cm approx.

Medium Handles Standard Size (small extra charge) – 58cm approx.

Long Handles Standard Size (small extra charge) – 70cm approx.

We find our medium handles tend to be the most popular as the bags can be carried by hand or over the shoulder.  Our other standard handle lengths are short handles at 40cm and long handles at 70cm.  However you are also free to choose any variation of length you wish, up to 70cm long.

Three Flat Bags – featuring 25mm cotton webbing handles and the top two feature swing tickets (screen prints)

Different Styles of Bag – you may want a different shape and style of bag altogether.  As we have an in-house Sewing Unit we can make many different styles. 

Past variations have included drawstring bags, tote bags, bags with long and short handles on the same bag, extra-large and very small bags, bags with top zips and zipped pockets inside plus lined bags. 

So again, please ask if you are after something unusual and we will see if we can make it for you (please note larger minimum order quantities may apply for bespoke sizes).

For more information please get in touch via our Contact Page 

Bespoke Sewing Options

Different Thread Colours – with hundreds of thread colours in stock we can match to any print.

Wash Labels – we can use our own standard labels or are happy to include your own wash labels.

Customer’s Own Logo Label – we are happy to sew our customer’s own logo labels into the inside or onto the front of the bags.  This featured label is on the front of the bag between the handles but inside between the handles is another option.

Customer’s Own Logo Label – popular positions also include in the side seam (either top or bottom).  We can also sew your own labels inside our pre-sewn bags or sew them on to the front of bags, near the top, if required. 

For more information please get in touch via our Contact Page 

Bespoke Packaging Options

Bulk Packed – most customers choose bulk packing, hanging their bags up by their handles in the shop.  However a swing ticket makes a nice addition for this type of display.

Individually Bagged – if you need to keep your stock protected when on display we offer the simple and cost effective option of individual bagging in clear polypropylene bags.

To further enhance presentation and promote your brand we can add the following packaging – all printed digitally in-house at very competitive prices

Swing Tickets – printed either single or double sided on 280gsm shiny or matt card these are ideal for attaching where the bags are out on display without any other form of packaging.

Not only can we print your swing tickets but we can also attach them with all sorts of interesting options.  A nylon loop is the usual but we can also use ribbons plus strings such as jute and sisal for something different.

Inserts – printed one side as standard (although double sided are also available) on 160gsm heavy-weight paper these are suitable for adding into individually poly bagged bags.  If either a euro hanger or a hanger bag is used then we also card the product to stop slippage within the packaging

We are also happy to use packaging supplied by the customer

Trays – printed on 200gsm heavy-weight paper.  The bags are then carded and packed in either a hanger bag or with a euro hanger depending on the weight of the bag.

Peg Bag Packaging – we suggest either packaging with a tray (left-hand image) or an insert (middle image) and then in a clear polypropylene bag which features a cut-out for the brass hook so the product can be hung up. Or bulk packed, in which case a swing ticket makes a nice addition (right-hand image)

Barcodes – lots of retailers are now calling for their stock to be barcoded, which is why we offer an in-house option to create your very own barcodes. 

These can either be printed onto peel-able self-adhesive labels or on to the packaging, including swing tickets, trays and inserts. Alternatively if the barcode labels are provided by the customer, we can attached them here.

For more information please get in touch via our Contact Page 


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